Go Find Out: The Career Switch Podcast
The Career Switch Podcast is for women who want to switch careers but aren‘t sure where to start. This monthly show provides two types of episodes: 1) Interviews with other badass women who kicked their fears to the curb and went after their career goals. 2) Solo shows providing actionable steps for breaking out of your career-rut and going after that new career you‘ve always dreamed of. Stop waiting around for change to come to you and instead be the catalyst that sets you on the path to your dream job. Are you ready to Go Find Out?
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Ep.20: Start Where You Are (Solo Show)
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
The excuses that we tell ourselves tend to be the number one reason we don't move forward toward our goals.
Do these excuses sound familiar?
I don't have the money to buy the equipment
I don't have the time to spend on that project right now
I can't start a business in this economy
I don't know how to use X software/hardware/etc.
I'm not smart enough/thin enough/fast enough etc. to be able to do the thing that I want, so why try?
Instead of getting caught up in these limiting thoughts, ask yourself instead: What one thing can I do today that will take me one step closer to my goals?
You don't have to wait around until things are "perfect" for you to start working toward your goals. Instead, start where you are and you'll eventually chip away at your goals until you achieve them.
(Transcript Below)
Episode Notes & Links:
Ever wanted to write a book? Your chance is coming up! Sign up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for free and join me to write 50,000 words in the month of November!
Looking for more inspiration?
You can follow this podcast on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
You can also check out articles at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com/blog
Interested in my fiction or articles about being an Indie-Author? Check out my author website at www.jjrussellwrites.com
Want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee here!
Welcome to the Go Find Out Podcast, Episode number 20! I'm your host, Jennifer Jelliff-Russell.
Today's show is focused on how to start where you are with your goals, no matter what your goals are.
No matter what your goal is, there is always some small step that you can take toward achieving it. It's very easy to let fear rule us and allow us to make excuses for why we're not moving forward with working toward our goals. Fear can manifest as excuses like:
I don't have the money to buy the equipment
I don't have the time to spend on that project right now
I can't start a business in this economy
I don't know how to use X software/hardware/etc
I'm not smart enough/thin enough/fast enough etc to be able to do that thing so why try?
The common denominator here is that these thoughts come from a place of fear and negative thinking. It's easier to tell ourselves that we don't have what it takes to complete our goal than it is to make ourselves push toward achieving it.
And don't get me wrong, positive thinking is not going to suddenly drop a million bucks in your lap or fix the economy so you can open a business. However, flipping the script on this way of thinking and saying, "Okay, I don't have x equipment, but what can I do to make still make this happen? Will take you one step closer to your goals than if you do nothing.
Let's talk about starting a podcast as an example. It's true that there is a ton of advice out there on what kind of equipment you should buy and there can be a lot of upfront costs - but only if you decide to incur those costs. If you really want to start a podcast, all you need is a smart phone and occasional access to the internet. In most places, you can access both of those things. There are several free podcast hosts and free podcast recording apps for your phone.
So if your excuse to not get started is that you don't have the "right" equipment, then that's truly what it is, an excuse to not start.
One of my lame excuses for not starting to podcast was that I didn't have a quiet space to record. However, after looking up free ideas for recording spaces, I found tons of people were using their closets! I didn't need to spend big bucks just to buy a mini recording studio. Now, I'm very lucky that my husband and I are in the process of renovating our old farmhouse, and my husband converted one of the closets into a more sound proof room. However, it's just an unfinished closet with extra insultation! I don’t' even have a door on it yet. I'm just using a double layer of moving blankets nailed to the doorway. Super fancy, right? But for now, for the most part, it works. I've been able to record 20 episodes so far in this space with fairly good sound quality.
So why am I blathering on about this? Because the excuses we tell ourselves tend to be the number one reason we don't move forward toward our goals.
If you've listened to some of my recent interviews, you'll hear that most of my guests say that they didn't get external pushback on their ideas, but dealt more with internal negative dialogues that they had to reframe in order to get started moving toward their goals.
Rather than coming from a space of "I can't do X," or I don't have the money, or equipment, or the right body or whatever, instead, ask yourself: What is one step I can take today to move forward toward my goal?
If you've been stuck in moving forward, take a moment to write down your end goal. It doesn't matter how big your goals is. It could be this big, hairy, audacious goal of doing something huge, but you still have to start with small steps.
Next, break down your goal into actionable and realistic steps.
For example, one of my personal goals is to write 20 books in the next five years. If I break down this goal down into actionable and realistic chunks, that means I need to write 4 books a year. And that number breaks down to writing 1 book every 3 months.
After writing a few books, I know that I'm usually able to write 1000-1500 words a day within a 1-2 hours span. And that idea to write only 1000 words a day for 3 months means I'd have a good sized first draft of 90,000 words. But saying, I'm going to write 90,000 words in a 3 months is overwhelming. So instead, I'll stick with telling myself that realistic goal of writing 1000 words a day.
Remember that the steps you're going for here need to be realistic. If I said, I'm going to write a book in a weekend! That would be, for the most part, pretty unrealistic for my personal abilities as a writer. And if I told myself I was going to do that, then I would quickly become overwhelmed by the prospect of having to complete a book in a weekend and would promptly quit writing.
But let's say you have other goals. Maybe you want to visit every country in the world. You have the pretty simple excuse right now that you can't travel anywhere because of the pandemic. And you wouldn't be wrong to say that, right? But instead, if you say to yourself, "I know I can't travel right now, but what can I do to prepare for travel?" You might realize that this is a great time to apply for your passport if you don't already have it. Or a good time to check out free books from the library to start researching the next country you plan to visit when things do open back up.
If you're goal is to open a business but you don't have the funds, what are the things that can do right now to move one step closer to your goal? You could start researching what kind of paperwork you need to complete in order to get your business started. You could start researching government grants that might apply to your business. You could meet virtually with a small business administration or SBA representative and get free coaching on how to build your business plan.
So I want you to ask yourself, what is one thing that you can do today that will take you closer to your end goal?
I'd love to hear what steps you take toward your goals today! You can tweet them to me @GFOPodcast!
Or if you're stuck, let me know and maybe I can help you come up with actionable step you can take today!
Alright, join me next week when I interview Yolanda Russell, who is a business and branding coach helping women achieve their entrepreneurial dreams!
That's it for today! Now Go Find Out!
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Ep.19: Windy Ezzell Creates Fertile Affirmations
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Have you ever had an idea for a product that could help others through difficult times? Windy Ezzell experienced this too! Join me as I interview Windy about her journey of getting into reproductive coaching for individuals and couples going through the family building process. We'll discuss how Windy got her idea for the Fertile Affirmations cards which are a mindfulness based tool and also how she turned those cards into an app.
In my personal update, I'll discuss some key points from the book, Zilch: The Power of Zero in Business by Nancy Lublin and how you can apply suggestions from the book to your small business.
Episode Notes & Links:
Check out Windy's website here: www.Fertileaffirmations.com
Or follow her on Instagram: @FertileAffirmations
And here's a link for the book by Nancy Lublin that I discuss in my personal update. Zilch: The Power of Zero in Business https://www.amazon.com/Zilch-Power-Business-Nancy-Lublin/dp/B004J8HXT0
Ever wanted to write a book? Your chance is coming up! Sign up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for free and join me to write 50,000 words in the month of November!
Looking for more inspiration?
You can follow this podcast on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
You can also check out articles at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com/blog
Interested in my fiction or articles about being an Indie-Author? Check out my author website at www.jjrussellwrites.com
Want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee here!
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Ep.18: Gigi Mortimer Helps You Sleep Using EyeJust Products!
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Have you ever had an idea for a product that you know would make the world a better place? So did Gigi Mortimer with EyeJust's bluelight blocking products!
In this interview I talk to Gigi about her journey from accessories designer to creative entrepreneur and CEO. She explains how she initially got the idea for EyeJust screen protectors and how she maintained her drive to get the products through testing and development.
In my personal update, I'll explain NaNoWriMo, how it's helped me write the third book in my urban fantasy series in a little over a month, and how it might help you write your first novel.
Episode Notes & Links:
Interested in learning more about EyeJust products or ordering screen protectors for your devices? Visit: https://eyejust.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIs9Hwmp_z6wIVIgiICR3VwwwdEAAYASAAEgJwLvD_BwE
You can also follow EyeJust on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eyejust/
Ever wanted to write a book? Your chance is coming up! Sign up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for free and join me to write 50,000 words in the month of November!
Looking for more inspiration?
You can follow this podcast on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
You can also check out articles at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com/blog
Interested in my fiction or articles about being an Indie-Author? Check out my author website at www.jjrussellwrites.com
Want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee here!
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Ep.17: Gina Wagner Crushes it in Roller Derby!
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Have you ever thought about getting into Roller Derby? Well now's your chance to learn more about it as I interview roller derby player Gina Wagner! We talk about how Gina discovered roller derby, what challenges she's had to overcome in order to become a better player, and what she means when she talks about Punching the Shark. Gina also hosts the most listened to roller derby podcast in the world, Power through the 4th whistle!
In my personal update, I'll talk a little about self-care and how I'm still learning to treat my writing as a business by saying no to things.
Episode Notes & Links:
You can check out Gina's podcast, Power Through the 4th Whistle here!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/powerthru4thwhistle
Instagram/Twitter: @Power4thWhistle
You can also pick up some skating tips and tricks from Gina on the Power Through the 4th Whistle YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCswZS7t7-WZlLP2-Nk5BfEg
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jackiebauertv
Want a reminder to face your fears and "Punch the Shark?" Check out the Power Through the 4th Whistle store where you can buy a Punch the Shark T-shirt! https://power4thwhistle.threadless.com/designs/punch-that-shark-1/womens/v-neck/regular
Thanks to Memories by Andy, Shut Her Up Photography, and Jess Whipple (Photobomber) for the photos used in the promos and cover art!
Looking for more inspiration?
Here's the book I'm reading to get into woodburning: Drawing with Fire, A Beginner's Guide to Woodburning
You can follow this podcast on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
You can also check out articles at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com/blog
Interested in my fiction or articles about being an Indie-Author? Check out my author website at www.jjrussellwrites.com
Want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee here!
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Ep.16: Jen Lloyd Rock Climbs and Creates Awesome Climbing Gear
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Listen as I interview Jen Lloyd about her journey of getting into rock climbing and how she regularly pushes through fear to stick with her rock climbing habit. Hear how she's gained a deep sense of community by connecting with other women rock climbers and why that support is so important to her.
Jen also discusses what prompted her to start her company, Knox Mountain Bags, and what it was like to be approached by REI regarding the chalk bags she makes for rock climbers.
In my personal update, I'll tell you how things went with organizing our local farmers market last weekend and what I'm reading right now that scaring me.
Episode Notes & Links:
Check out Jen's online store, Knox Mountain Bags, where you can buy her cloth chalk bags or awesome face masks! https://www.knoxmtnbags.com/
You can also follow Knox Mountain Bags on Instagram!
DC Wonder Woman Run Series: https://dcwonderwomanrun.com/
Sign up to run the Wonder Woman Series with me!
Looking for more inspiration?
You can follow this podcast on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
You can also check out articles on related topics at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com/blog
Interested in my fiction or articles about being an Indie-Author? Check out my author website at www.jjrussellwrites.com
Want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee here!
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Ep.15: Danielle Runs Ultramarathons!
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Ever wonder what it takes to tackle a 100 mile race? On today's show, Ultramarathon runner, Danielle Triffitt, explains some of the training that goes into preparing for an ultramarathon and talks about how she was introduced to runs that were the next step up from marathons.
Danielle also discusses:
The importance of finding your own pace as a runner
What it was like to run in the world’s oldest 100-mile trail race, Western States ® Endurance Run
What draws her to take on long races and how she works it into her busy schedule
In my personal update, I'll talk about the importance of remembering to say no when you get overwhelmed by work.
Episode Notes & Links:
Follow Danielle on Instagram @SparkplugAT05
Connect with a running community that matches your goals at www.TrailMonsterRunning.org
Sign up to run the Wonder Woman Series with me!
DC Wonder Woman Run Series: https://dcwonderwomanrun.com/
Looking for more inspiration?
You can follow this podcast on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
You can also check out articles on related topics at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com/blog
Interested in my fiction or articles about being an Indie-Author? Check out my author website at www.jjrussellwrites.com
Want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee here!
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Ep. 14: Sonya Moves to a Tiny House on a Homestead in Maine!
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Have you ever considered downsizing and living in an off-grid tiny house on a farm? Then this is the episode for you! On today's show, I interview Sonya Connelly about her experience of moving from New York City to a tiny house in Maine. She discusses what it was like to go from city life to living on a homestead and how it's helped her make personal self-discoveries.
We also talk about great methods for cultivating gratitude as well as the importance of slowing down and enjoying the present moment rather than always thinking about the future.
In my personal update, I report my take on Elizabeth Gilbert's book, Big Magic, and what my big takeaways were from it.
Episode Notes & Links:
Learn more about Featherfoot Farm here: http://www.chessmaine.net/featherfoot/calendar/index.html?fbclid=IwAR2zubrFR_g8ua-ugw91wnpJwfD68h71ncNG0SI0CEsrUuSgmglPtesKa8E
Follow them on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/FeatherfootFarmMaine/
You can also follow Sonya on her Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/sonya.connelly.3
DC Wonder Woman Run Series: https://dcwonderwomanrun.com/
Sign up to run the Wonder Woman Series with me!
Looking for more inspiration?
You can follow this podcast on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
You can also check out articles on related topics at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com/blog
Interested in my fiction or articles about being an Indie-Author? Check out my author website at www.jjrussellwrites.com
Want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee here!
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Ep.13: Annie Lloyd starts a high end tattoo shop
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
There are many different kinds of artists out there, but it takes a special kind of person to become a master in designing and applying tattoos.
In today's show, I interview kickass tattoo artist, Annie Lloyd. Annie is the owner and operator of the high end tattoo shop, Get Fat Brooklyn. In the interview, Annie discusses her own difficult experiences of finding a tattoo internship when she was first starting out and how that has helped shape how she runs her own shop today.
Listen now to hear Annie explain why she feels that tattooing should be considered a high art and why it takes a special kind of artist to thrive in the world of tattooing.
Episode Notes & Links:
Check out Get Fat Brooklyn and book an appointment with Annie for a kickass tattoo! You can email her at AnnieLloydTattoo@gmail.com or call 718.389.8288
If you want to check out Annie's work on Instagram, follow her personal Instagram here or check out Get Fat Brooklyn's Instagram.
As discussed in the episode, here is a video showing the difference between coil tattoo machines and rotary machines and how they work: Tattooing basics Coils vs. rotary vs. Pen tattoo Machine basics
DC Wonder Woman Run Series: https://dcwonderwomanrun.com/
Sign up to run the Wonder Woman Series with me!
Looking for more inspiration?
You can follow this podcast on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
You can also check out articles on related topics at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com/blog
Interested in my fiction or articles about being an Indie-Author? Check out my author website at www.jjrussellwrites.com
Want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee here!
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Ep.12: Meghan Hanna empowers women through Two Chicks Cocktails!
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Have you ever had a product idea and been told by naysayers that it won't work or that you can't do it? Then today's show with Meghan Hanna of Two Chicks Cocktails has all the motivation you need to hear in order to pursue creating that product! During the interview, Meghan explains how she dealt with people who told her she wouldn't succeed in building a women-empowering cocktail company. We also discuss how Meghan maintained focus during challenging periods and debunk the myth that strong women can't work together without drama.
Episode Notes & Links:
Check out the Two Chicks Cocktails website to see all the fun refreshing flavors available!
And if you're wondering how you can get your hands on some Two Chicks Cocktails for your next virtual get together, you can also use their handy store locator to find out where Two Chicks Cocktails are sold near you!
I'm also really enjoying following Two Chicks Cocktails on Instagram! Their posts are so fun, colorful, and uplifting!
Looking for more inspiration?
You can follow this podcast on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
You can also check out articles on related topics at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com/blog
Interested in my fiction or articles about being an Indie-Author? Check out my author website at www.jjrussellwrites.com
Want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee here!
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Ep.11: Christalene becomes a Visionary Intuitive!
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
If you've struggled to make the shift from providing free services to becoming more of a business and charging for your services, then today's interview with Christalene Karaiskakis is for you!
Christalene is a visionary intuitive who provides angel card readings and mediumship services, but as she discusses in the interview, it took her several years to make the shift from providing free readings to actually charging for her services. She'll detail what fears she had to overcome in order to build a successful business that she loves.
During the interview, Christalene also provides great insight into how you can incorporate intuition into your own life and find more balance in a hectic world.
Episode Notes & Links:
Check out Christalene's website for more information on private or group readings. You can also browse the different decks of cards we discussed in the show or get your own adult or children's coloring books for the soul! https://www.christalene.com/shop
Interested in her children's events services? Check out Crystalooney's Creative Arts!
Looking for more inspiration?
You can follow this podcast on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
You can also check out articles on related topics at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com/blog
Interested in my fiction or articles about being an Indie-Author? Check out my author website at www.jjrussellwrites.com
Want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee here!
The Career Switch Podcast
The Career Switch Podcast is for women who want to switch careers but aren't sure where to start.
This bi-weekly show has interviews with other badass women who kicked their fears to the curb to go after their career goals and also Solo shows providing actionable steps for breaking out of your career-rut and going after that new career you've always dreamed of.
Stop waiting around for change to come to you and instead be the catalyst that sets you on the path to your dream job.
Are you ready to Go Find Out?